Laura Lynn

Some Of Our Previous Sponsors

Become A Sponsor

If the Laura Lynn Children’s Hospice is an organisation close to your heart then talk to us about becoming a sponsor company.

Sponsorship for Gaye Vaughan Foundation – Fantasy Six Nations Package

Partner with Us to Make a Lasting Impact to Laura Lynn

Dear Sponsor,

Since we started this on the back of an envelope 29 years ago we have raised over €200,000 for children’s charities, LauraLynn being the one of choice for the last 10 years.  Your companies have been fundamental in donating prizemoney, donating to LauraLynn and in promoting the competition within your own workforces.

GVF 2024Last year we had over 300 entries and raised €20,000.  This year with your help, we’d like to boost both of those numbers and see how high we can go.

My partner in crime, Jason (, who started this with me all those years ago, on a project back in Macardle’s Brewery in Dundalk, has suggested that I emphasise the marketing benefits to you all of being sponsors and they are below. But I say the proof is in your track records.  Every one of you has grown exponentially since beginning sponsorship, some now international brands commanding serious investor attention.  And all because you sponsored the F6NF!  Well, Ok, the growth in Data Centre construction and a booming economy may have had something to do with it, but primarily sponsoring the F6NF.

So now is not the time to alter trajectory, keep your name out there by sponsoring the F6NF and ensure continued growth and prosperity!

Now with growth come pesky things like governance and accounts departments.  Over the years we have realised that it is increasing difficult just to write a cheque, so this year (apart from one or two of you who I will approach directly and ask nicely) we have a cunning plan.  If you, and perhaps a group of directors, would like to donate your sponsorship money directly to the Just Giving platform page LauraLynn provide, using your company cards, that might make it easier and avoid the loop of having it resting in my account.

Linesight have sponsored the Jackpot for the next 3 years, so apart from some weekend prizemoney I need to raise your donation can go straight to Laura Lynn and your company be flagged on their website.

Neil Vaughan – Founder

Sponsor Benefits

  • Continue our support Laura Lynn for 10 years +

  • Help to reach an annual goal of at least €20,000

  • 100% of donations (less credit card fees) go Laura Lynn

  • Sponsor anywhere from €300 to €1000

  • Have your company logo seen on our website with over 25,000 visits per year

  • Company logo included as part of our weekly competition newsletter

  • Most Importantly – making a difference to the lives of seriously ill children in Ireland

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